Feb 11, 2009 13:22

Those of you on the barrowmanonline yahell pit o' voles and fail list:

George announced that ADWD was going to be aired on BBC America.

I replied to the list with what I thought was a reasonable discussion topic - ie, what kind of audience they'd think they'd be getting aside from the JB obsessed, since you don't have the personal investment of following it each week and ringing for your favourite - because the competition aired nearly two years ago, the result is done and dusted, and everyone knows Lee won. I've never heard of them re-running pop idol...

George has just emailed me off-list :

> Okay, this would be extremely interesting to see what kind of audience
> it gets, since the original impetus to watch it was, of course, like
> Pop Idol and X-Factor and its ilk, was seeing the boys striving and
> seeing how they changed and who'd get booted off each week,precisely
> how bitchy the judges were going to be, with your personal investment
> of voting for your favourite/the one who made you laugh/anyone to make
> sure x didn't get through.
> The thing is, we *know* who got through and won. (apart from it being
> blindingly obvious since the first auditions that lee was going to win
> - even if he wasn't your favourite, it was no contest. Like Connie in
> Maria) it's a lot of fun to re-watch from an analytical/fave bits
> perspective* but I'm honestly not sure what the attraction for the
> average non John-obsessed punter is two years on from the fact.
> *(i re-watched it over a week just to see precisely how manipulative
> they'd been in backstage clips/song choice/choreography to make sure
> people got through, and hoo boy they so were - Lee always got the best
> stuff that suited his voice and style, Keith was always given stuff
> that suited his voice but never presented him as mature, and they
> purposely gave Daniel a really bad song to get him booted off to
> reinforce the 'no-one's safe' like they did with John on Dancing on
> Ice)
> Heather

And like I said, George emailed me back off-list with this :

I don't know why they are showing ADWD here, but not everyone who watches BBC America is a John Barrowman fan or is on this list and aware of who won the competition. Its also good American exposure for John and if the ratings are good they COULD then decided to air John's upcoming show TONITE'S THE NIGHT here, which would be great for John and JOhn fans alike.


Cue me facepalming and replying :

um, yes, that was what I was asking of the list - who they thought would be watching it. i was interested in what the list thought because I've never heard of tv channels re-running the 'vote for your favourite' pop-idol type shows. America's next top model, yes, where the public has no vote, but not the ones where the viewers voted.

....Missing the point much? Considering the list was discussing it to hell and back when it aired....

alwcasting: adwd, a clue:no

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