The 'get out of my fandom' syndrome

Feb 04, 2009 17:32

...Yeah, it's the whole thing of 'fandom becomes big and popular, it's going to attract the people that annoyed you elsewhere'. inevitable, I suppose.

crabby_lioness has hit merlin fandom, watching all the eps in a rush - and cross-posting her gigantic fucking episode analyses to all 3 discussion comms. Which pontificate on the legend as she sees it, are as pretentious as fuck, motivations, with a wonderfully patronising air. (do not get me started on when she starts talking about applying tarot)

her stuff tends to invoke kneejerk responses in me. Especially when she starts talking as though there's only one version or view on certain characters, and it's always the high romantic version. You really, really, don't do that on a legend which is *another country's*. Seriously. (yes, the brits do get a bit possessive about Arthur and Robin Hood. You may be descended from the British, but those who live and got brought up here get first say.) I got into a... slightly 'Excuse me, WTF? Not in England these days.' exchange with her about the point of the Arthurian legend - she seems to think it's the 'when knights would fight for anyone ideal'. Er, no, it's about a land being united for the first time. Which didn't happen again until the late saxon period. The romantic stuff was *bolted on*. and when i said 'not in England these days', she cited it being an inspiration to William Morris and the British Socialist movement... :headdesk: please note, 'These days.'

Academia is very nice, dear, but you're applying it to a Saturday evening show where they threw everything in the pot and picked out what looked *shiny*, and then wrote it from the perspective it's currently viewed in - the trend in the last twenty or thirty years to go for the dark ages/medieval with added mud, with very little focus on the romantic ideals.

(the other problem is that she's posting these massive fucking analyses episode by episode, when everyone else has already watched the rest and so of course half the analysis has been scuppered by later events, like Gaius' motivations or Uther's reactions)

Right. That's that rant over with.

Doctor's tomorrow. Mum drove me there to get registered to see about my we-think-they're-migraines plus the sleep problems. Oh, this is going to be fun. Especially since I'm re-registering with the GP who's known me since I was tiny. oh well, at least he knows that I only turn up for specific shit and that I'm one of those people who feel like I'm time-wasting when i turn up.

fandom, tv: merlin

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