snow? yis.

Feb 02, 2009 22:08

Snow day photos, including me going 'ooooo'. Also included : proof that i live on the edge of cliche English countryside, a very not gruntled cow, one beagle and these weird little 7' snowmen that kept appearing anywhere I'd been. I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE THEY CAME FROM, FLIST.

Vaguely disgruntled that there wasn't enough snow for me to do a Calvin and Hobbes. Damn you, Bill Watterson. I've wanted to do sick and twisted snowmen ever since I read my first one, and I have to live in the south of England....

:ponders: perhaps if the weather is like this tomorrow, I can have a busy hour or so pre-starting work making it in miniature to disturb commuters and schoolchildren. Oh yes.

Had a good cry about life the universe and everything. Feeling better.

snow!, photos

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