Dear evolution, YOU BITCH.

Jan 22, 2009 12:51

This brought to you by Heather's monthly wish to not having been born with an XX chromosome.

Aside from the pain, I get dizzy spells.

At one point had re-wired computer so could sit on floor and work. Was quite happily doing this until HR came and kidnapped me due to health and safety reasons. Whined until the dizzy spell passed, escaped and re-wired computer since could now sit on chair due to ability to stand/sit upright returning.

:sigh: Rhys was going 'you really shouldn't come into work.' while I grumbled that this doesn't normally hit til 10 o'clock so I can't tell and can I please have a laptop so that way we won't have the cricking neck problem. Rhys : 'No. And I don't remember seeing you -' 'Yes you have, it's normally because I'm tucked under the desk, this happens every month and half the time it's only ten minutes.' 'Er, painkillers, not that I know what you're going through....' :waves heatpad: 'Right, got it, are you sure we can't send you home?' 'Dizzy spell. It will pass. Sending me home would be stupid since I can't stand up. This is incredibly silly.' 'Do you want water?' 'Not thirsty! Dizzy does not always equal lack of water.'

Now not allowed to use ball and must use chair with arms so there's less chance of me falling.

Also : sulking due to being too hot. Tend to run a higher temperature during period anyway, and having to clutch boiling hot wheat pad to stomach and thighs not helping.

Oh, and Cathy? Mandy Patinkin stalking photos now up on Flickr.

body, owwww, a clue:no, photos

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