birthday haul

Jan 08, 2009 02:18

I now has :

the other two torchwood books
Jamie Oliver's ministry of food
another amber necklace
pearl-style bead spiral bracelet
seanik shampoo bar
Zorro ST
Master and Commander ST (legit copy)
Batman : The Dark Knight

And a dover sole, onion tart, mash, lardons, mushrooms, hollandaise sauce, two g'n't's, a white chocolate and berry cheesecake with happy birthday written in chocolate sauce on the plate.

also, my workmates are strange. there is a tradition of cake on birthdays. Almost invariably the chocolate fudge cake from tescos. However, their timing can be ...odd. I leave at 5pm. I sense the crowds massing behind my head at 4:55pm. Cue them singing 'Happy Birthday', me conducting, turning round to blow out the candles and going 'er... you do remember chocolate cake makes me sick, right?' 'You still have to cut it.' 'Fine. But I get the chocolate balloons.' I personally suspect they just wanted cake. And my bag now has a fuschia rosette pinned to it. They're odd.

Wandered around the Oracle (Reading's centre-of-town shopping centre) before dinner, poked head into Bay Trading, perused rails, and.... I has my first pair of skinny jeans. That will fit *inside* boots. Also? Found a cropped pair of white jeans in my size that I'll only have to turn up a bit, so that's just the converse to find or paint before T1.

oh, and Flickr has the Twelfth night photos of me attempting not to gurn whilst standing next to indira Varma and Derek Jacobi and Daniel Boys.

...lj archive won't work. Suspect will have to read instructions for once in my life.

ads: derek jacobi, ads: daniel boys, theatre, birthday, photos, costuming

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