Media, you are LAZY.

Dec 23, 2008 14:35

Must stop laughing.

Okay. we were having a quick discussion about how you'll see something in someone's blog entry and see a news item a day or so later and you're going '...didn't I read that earlier?' and it's clear the journalist read the same blog post you did and thought 'huh, cool news item'.

Then today? Digital Spy had a news item about Tennant talking about a Dr Who musical episode. Saying that the Telegraph had reported it.


Source of this story : Tennant had a cheery phone interview on Radio 1 yesterday at lunchtime. With lots of giggling. Where they had a laugh about how awesome it would be to do a musical ep and how much Tennant would love to do it.

Amazingly, the bit about the postman arriving with the last of his shopping mid-interview, his Dalek slippers running out of batteries, him not being able to leave the house due to forced relaxing time because of the operation and all the rest never made the 'news item' in the Telegraph.


....VLC media player's icon when you open it has a santa hat on top of the traffic cone. Slightly disturbed.

tv: dr who, media

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