internets *weird*.

Nov 20, 2008 12:34

working from home, and for some reason i'm getting quicker loading times for web pages through the remote desktop (have to access through IE. :shudder:) than I am on the stuff that's actually on my laptop. In other news, started forcibly introing one work mate to firefox yesterday to see if that would make any difference to crashing issues.
Me : you will learn to like it. And you will never go back. IE IS BAD FOR YOUR SOUL.

In other news, listening to radio 1 because i can't be arsed to go into my music store on my work computer (how many musicals can you fit on one pc). Had slightly weird experience of 'this dj is slightly annoying but tolerable, voice is familiar, but can't figure out who it is...' then she mentioned her name a couple of hours in. Sarah Cox. My god. The person I wanted to stab through the eyeballs for being such a complete twit a few years back? Huh. Appears that having two kids has mellowed her 'I'm mad, me' tendencies...

gah. someone tell me a decent program/service that teaches you accurate typing. Mavis Beacon? Another one? Seriously. I have had perfect spelling since birth, it's just the typing gods deem that I mis-spell really simple words like 'the' and get anything ending in '-ng' as '-gn', and constantly hit the ';' instead of the ' when doing contractions.

tech, wtf?, a clue:no

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