work party wear

Oct 27, 2008 23:07

hmm. the big work do says goth or smart.

I have a smart dress. It's fucking gorgeous, makes me look gorgeous, but it screams 'summer wedding' and I'd feel horribly uncomfy wearing it at a work do.

I turfed out my wardrobe, found a pair of black trousers which don't hang quite right (weight loss. yay.) and a top that's got a bit of a corset look with lace but is actually a vest. My single solitary items of black clothing aside from a couple of long sleeve t-shirts.

Problem : hanging out with *actual* goths, I feel the urge to go out and grab a lacy black skirt and team it with fishnets, even though I'd never wear the skirt again. or possibly PVC. Damn, why did I have to lose weight and therefore no longer fit my black leather ones? Leaving aside the fact that I haven't fit them for nearly two years. (as anyone who has heard me on the subject, leather trousers are the ultimate arbiter of weight change - put it on and they don't do up, lose it and they sag and fall off your hips) Feeling urge to pull out the Cabaret gear. Telling self that dressing in hotpants to a work do is never a good idea. Also, Sally Bowles is NOT Goth.

So.... my other option is the red dress from Disccon. or buy new black trousers tomorrow lunchtime that I will also probably never wear.

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