The parents pevensie.

Oct 24, 2008 14:35

Feck. Too many bloody details just blindsided me.

It's 1948/49, Peter's first leave. (which. Um. How soon would you get leave in your first posting?)

And of course my brain didn't register that this is at least 7 years after Prince Caspian. Not even Lucy would still be in school, since she was 12/13 in Prince Caspian. Which wasn't too bad - just had to quickly change a line from 'still in school' to 'not finished training'. I *think* Edmund's still in Secret Service training and still at the point where he'd still be covered by National Service period, because it's not 1950 yet and thus he didn't get shipped off to Malaya. Expecting his future career to be covered by uni and then 'diplomatic job'.

Thank the FSM for having parents who know a lot about the era.
'Er, job for a 20-21 year old nice middle class girl?'
'Typist or clerk. You have no idea how many typists were needed in any business until the advent of computers. And she'd still be living at home. Nails probably short since though it is possible to type with long nails, you were at risk of breaking them very easily.'
And she sympathised with my 'how is it so many post-war writers forget rationing and national service?' moan.

having problems because Dad!Pevensie is trying to tactfully ask his son about the savage killer reports he got from his old army mates. And Peter's cheerful. And so much more relaxed and comfortable in his skin and a bunch of the pent-up frustration is *gone*. And now he's got to broach it with Edmund.

the other problem? Everyone's definitely different - this fic is about how they still can't cope with their children who came back from being evacuees so strange and the girls keep doing split personality. (they're all slightly distant/too grown-up/cliquey/make disturbing war comments, but Lucy is mostly cheerful bubbly and suddenly switches to full-on draconian ward sister when it comes to medical stuff. Susan is *normal*. Shallow, of course, but then there's the political insight/cool imperious stuff.)

However, I don't know how much they'd notice Edmund's quirks beyond the distant/cliquey thing. Because Edmund fades into the background on purpose. And is just generally calm and reliable and solid. AND CS LEWIS GIVES US NO IDEA WHAT HE WAS LIKE PRE-WAR. The utter brattishness is due to going to school. That's stated in LWW, and emphasised by missing dad and so on in the film. just that he was more of a good egg. What? Was he more like Peter? Like Lucy? Like Susan? Is his entire personality as we know him due to the White Witch and Narnia?

smite!, writing, narnia

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