Dear Americans and other lifeforms

Oct 16, 2008 13:23

Was re-reading Warren Ellis' Crecy, which has the best one line sum-up of the two-finger gesture possible.

"I can kill you from 200 yards away with these."

Which gets me wondering : what in the nine hells does your one-finger gesture actually *mean*? Seriously, what's it supposed to imitate? Most rude and obscene gestures have some sort of real-life thing behind them. Throat-slitting, the motion of wanking, imitation of how small your John Thomas might be, that fist-pumping gesture which I *think* means 'cuckold/you're fucked' etc, etc.

Woot. The cold has kicked in properly. (got it on tuesday - last person in the dept) Throat not just sore, throat hurting when I cough. YAY. Have produced sign* to point to so I don't have to explain anything or go 'fuck off, will you?' when someone comes over to ask if I'm all right when in the middle of a coughing fit. Already used it once.

Fuck. the body cannot decide what temperature it wants to be today. Heat rash kicked in on the train platform this morning, so spent entire ride to Paddington itching like crazy (and of course freezing once the heat rash died down, because body, that's what happens when you decide to get rid of a bunch of heat quickly when it's a cold morning) and my temperature's just gone up *again*...

:sigh: Is it a truism that all the other girls in the office will turn up looking utterly fabulous when you're feeling grotty? I've seen three stunning tops, two great skirts, one really impressive make-up job and three fabulous hair days walk in the door this morning. Though I did get Emma going yesterday 'Look at me - ooo, it's the turquoise glittery one today.' Appear to have got a bit of a rep for multi-coloured eyeliner.

*To whom it may concern : if you hear me coughing, wheezing, attempting to throw up my lungs, having what sounds like an asthma attack, fighting for breath, etc, IGNORE IT. I don't have asthma or TB, this is me having a cold. Unless it's gone on for months, in which case you have the right to kick me to the GP.

Bollocks. Where the hell do I find accurate slang terms for gay in the '40s? It was invert in the 20s/30s, but I can't find any sites that'll actually tell me what the everyday slang for them was (variations on gay + history + slang + terminology + 1940s bring up giant slang lists with no time stamp or what the laws were). 'Homosexual' was the official polite term, but I can't find what *normal* people used. With a definition of 'normal' being the middle class term *and* the common slang term *and* what the community itself used. Searching on people like Wilfrid Brambell and Kenneth Williams turns out to be sodding useless because all I get are refs to Fantabulosa and the Curse of Steptoe and the fact that Wilf got done for cottaging. Not to mention most of said films - which I saw - took place in the '60s. Celluloid Closet, from what I remember, had bugger all on 1940s UK films. (yes, Pevensies in England post PC fic - I'm involving the parents, who I really need to name. The fic is mostly about the parents' reaction to finding out that Peter is going for career military, but I need to throw in some random comments on the others.) Gah. to little_details I go....

warpaint, questions, blegh, historical accuracy

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