Enchanted and nausea

Oct 09, 2008 13:05

Watched Enchanted last night. HEE. Warm fuzzies and glee. The sheer amount of references I'd forgotten (and I'd probably missed most of them)! The cuteness of *everyone*! The Central Park bit is more fabulous than I remember, and oh, the Ball... the sheer heartbreak in Nancy (Idina Menzel) and Edward (James Marsden)'s eyes as they watch the other two fall in love. :sniffle: We love Chip. and James Marsden playing so unbelievably dim. Nancy and Edward deciding 'fuck it' and making a go of it together in Andalasia! Fair maiden rescuing the prince! Wolf being chased by Red Riding Hood with an axe around his grandma's house! 'Well, Red tells it a little differently.' And I'm *still* in love with the fact that they make a point of her dressmaking skills (the bit where she's checking out the cloth in the background at Nancy's office) and have her setting up her own business. Though I bet she regularly gets hired by the corporate entertainment and Central Park people because you do not let someone with skills like that go to waste.

Small question for those who have the region 2 dvd : did you have to actively turn off the subtitles and audio description track? I pressed play, the audio description came on, turned *that* off, hit play again... and the subtitles came on.

Fuck. I've had the headache-induced nausea since about 10am. (for those who don't know me, my headaches have a tendency to start in my jaw ever since I fucked it up due to work stress during uni. Problem being that because the pain starts right by my ear, this creates nausea and and slight wooziness.) Office atmosphere of hot + no moving air does not help. Don't dare take pills in case that's the trigger that makes me throw up, so I'm just crossing my fingers and hoping it'll subside soon-ish. I've had the 'go home!' poking and I'm going 'er, no, you think I want to add the Tube and motion sickness to this?' it's starting to get better, so am seeking out ginger biccits to see if that takes off the main edge. And maybe *then* I can take the nurofen.

ETA : I think I've just done desperation tactic supreme. No biscuits and no ginger beer in tescos. Wave of nausea hit. Found the ginger root, rooted in there for smallest scrap possible and started chewing on it. Only it was the horrible stringy bit, so you can imagine what that felt like in my mouth once the immediate nausea had passed...
Newsagent #3 had ginger beer. now sipping that.

film, owwww

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