theatre whoring

Oct 01, 2008 13:00

Right, trekking over to Shaftesbury to buy ticket for Hairspray for tonight - everywhere I've searched indicates that the only discount you can get on this show is group discount, so it's really not worth trekking to Leicester Square (further away). Buying direct from the theatre means I won't have to pay booking fees. :wails: why does this have to be one of the most expensive bloody shows in the West End?

ETA: Row C Royal circle for £25!

Still to go : La Cage aux Folles (need to book *soon* as it's limited run and starts on the 20th), Piaf, Zorro (again), Avenue Q while Daniel's still in it. Oliver and Priscilla when they come out next year. (you are not allowed to go see Avenue Q again when Julie goes back in. No. Nuh-uh. You're already contemplating 'Last 5 Years' for her. Well, er, not unless Daniel extends because Julie + Daniel would be ♥. I am weak and this show is cheap.) Still wavering on whether to go see Joseph.

ETA: OMG DANIEL extended! Reward for nano, here I come!

Was muttering about 'I need a calendar I can see all the time/easily accessible to-do list' and... no really. Why didn't I think to look at google docs and calendar for this?

ads: daniel boys, tech, theatre, ads: julie atherton, musicals

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