
Sep 28, 2008 18:16

yesterday : mild jawache steadily getting worse all day until kicked upstairs to bed.

Merlin had the ever-lovely Will Mellor, swordfighting, pouting, bantering, hissy fits, the boys brooding because they were separated, and the girls knowing more about how to put armour on than Merlin. Slashy as hell, and I really like the concept of Arthur being an upper-class arsehole, it's *fun*.

Today, family went blackberrying. Cue scratches all up hands, my ankles and feet and Dad looking like he's plunged his arms into a vat of thorns on the spin and lacerate setting.

Came home from blackberrying to get mild headache - the type that makes you go 'ow' if you tilt it forward, which made putting up the laundry/taking it down fun.

I think you should have music.
Boccherini's La Musica Notturna, from the Master and Commander soundtrack.

family, owwww, tv: merlin

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