stings and scratches

Sep 16, 2008 01:03

Huh. I think I've become immune to nettle stings.

I knew I'd become immune to mosquito bites sometime in the past few years, because there's no way I haven't been bitten, I've heard the damn things in my room and slapped ones that had definitely just fed on *someone* nearby. But no itchy bite marks whatsoever, when I used to get covered in the things.

But anyway : the nettle stings.

It being blackberry season, and brambles grow along the route I go jogging, I've been stopping occasionally and getting a handful. And as any bugger knows, there is no way to reach for the good ones and not get scratched. (for some reason I like them slightly tart/not quite perfect ripe, when you have to give a slight tug to get them off rather than coming away easily) And of course there's plenty of nettles growing in and out of the brambles. I've been getting it all up my legs and arms and hands. And you can damn well tell when you get stung by nettles, because it hurts and stings for a bit afterwards. Except. It being jogging, you forget any hurt within about thirty seconds if it doesn't involve muscle ache or cramp. It'll start stinging again when you stop, though. And I've got scratches all up my arms and hands, I've had to pick tiny thorns out of my hands... but no nettle rash whatsoever, and no itching either. And the route I take, there's no way not to stop every five/ten minutes, because of gates and cattle grids.

The first time I got stung a couple of weeks ago, I remember going 'dammit, oh well, I know there's dock leaves growing by the next cattle grid and on the riverbank' and then being a bit puzzled when there wasn't anything to rub.

I didn't even know it was *possible* to not have any reaction to nettle stings.

Bacchus fic : stalled slightly after the first time he seduced Edmund (second wine harvest). Edmund's just been stating precisely why he's standing on his principles about Bacchus coming to find him in the middle of work rather than going to the revels like everyone else. peter is just terribly amused, because Bacchus has developed a bit of a fetish for disrupting Edmund's study and making his desk grow twigs and leaves. Now in snippet-ville, the Telmarines are busy being scandalised by Bacchus' revels and Lucy is calmly telling them to sit down, shut the fuck up and go to a few next time. Plus the Narnians are going 'No-one told us it was like this!' because Bacchus hasn't been in several centuries, and all they've got is legends. mwhahahaha. The Telmarine bit is so going in the nano. Not sure if I'm going to keep the Bacchus pov as a fic on its own with the Peter and Edmund convo, or have it as flashbacks in the nano. Which is getting *complex*. :stares hard at it: Some coherent story would be nice, please.

writing, narnia, nanowrimo, me, owwww

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