must. go. shop.

Sep 01, 2008 13:25

Need to get off arse and go to Oxford street to buy pressies. Was supposed to do this at weekend but saturday was ridiculously sunny so spent all day doing laundry and sunbathing*. And sunday was freezing and wet, so could not muster up effort to do anything but hide under poncho, read fic, and do a bit of sweeping and vacuuming.

Wrote up the Edmund/Bacchus. Trimmed it a bit, need to figure out how much more of the Caspian pov is dead weight before sending to beta. After this, unless the bunnies attack again, I really need to go through the torchwood backlog. And then comes nano planning...

My current cover-up has about 2mm left. I don't use foundation as a rule, just stuff to cover up eyebags/spots/slight imperfections, and so I prefer liquid/grease to powder. Suggestions? My current is Benefit's playstick.

Uploaded discworld pics to Flickr - also a couple of stagedoor stalking. So one Daniel Boys if anyone wants it. And rather amused that I've got one of me and Emma Williams where both of us look completely loopy and terrible. Also included : that fucking white dress (which had the lace removed with extreme prejudice on saturday) and the discovery that me + six-foot axe = OTP.

*Part of this was with cramps. Fortunately, extremely warm sun works about the same as a hot water bottle.

ads: daniel boys, discworld, writing, narnia, warpaint, ads: emma williams, photos

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