Dear Edmund post ww2 bunnies, SHUT UP.***
Dear JB, die in a ditch. You did not have to go on Welsh radio and give teasers for the line-up of what your session at Faenol Festival will consist of. Moulin Rouge duet with Jodie Prenger. Duet with Daniel Boys. Premier of material from the upcoming album. All of these people? Far more fantastic live than on tv/recordings. There will be youtube, but GNNNNNARRRRGH. I'll be at Discworld! :wails: (hssst.
fairyd123, we want detailed reports from non-nutters. I'm counting on you.)
Had a thought for an alternate Conina outfit - the lacy white dress. Make the sundress out of broderie anglaise and tack lace on lace edging so I can remove it post-con if I hate it. Conveyed idea to Cathy and mum to see if it would work (people who have Discworld lore imprinted *and* are sewing masters). Mum : 'And I can't see you being happy having another white sundress *at all*.'
Fuck, my fast-typing spelling is getting really shit. Does anyone know of a decent program that's like Mavis Beacon?
Saw the Dark Knight. Oh. Dear. God. Utterly awesome, brilliant action, great script and acting but you spend the entire time going 'meeeep'. With heart carved out at end. And yes, a bit peeved about what happened to a certain character, but still - uh, where are people getting this 'one true love' from? And oh my god. I didn't think it was actually possible for them to make Harvey Dent as awesome as he's been in the hands of a brilliant writer when they don't care about editorial mandate. Nope. he was even more awesome. Aaron Eckhart. HAVE MY BABIES. :pokes Gary Oldman: no, seriously, how are you channelling Jim Gordon that well? HOW? Also, let me find your DNA patterns because I didn't think someone was allowed to resemble the bone structure of a fictional consistently drawn character that much without make-up. Slightly weirded out that the two main cops in MCU were quite clearly modelled off Bullock and Montoya, only twisted a bit and Montoya's background changed for plot purposes. Still, they really worked and this is probably the closest we'll ever get to my fave GCPD cops being on-screen.
National service research, 'Just how much *does* young Edmund take after his brother?' 'All the Pevensie traits, I'm afraid to say. Only more calculating. Thinks more. Notices odd details. Sneakier. Utter lack of a moral compass. Does whatever it takes to get the job done.' 'And he was in his first year of a modern languages degree. I think we may have a use for young Edmund Pevensie.' Pause. 'Tell me, does he fight like his brother?' 'Afraid so. Less mercy. though. You'd think they were raised in an east end gang with a bottle in one hand. Utter disgrace. Why?' 'Oh, just curious.'
The time Edmund ran into Peter's SAS regiment in some godforsaken jungle. 'Hi, Peter, don't mind me...' 'Who the fuck was that Secret Service bastard and how do you know him?' 'Oh, that's my brother.' 'Oh, btw, it's all clear up there.' 'How many?' 'Five.' 'Oh, manageable odds.' (post-fighting in same ambush) 'Pevensie, what happened to you? what the fuck was with that stupid feat, you left your entire side open, you *never* do that!' 'Oh, I knew Edmund was there.' 'Taken for granted, what can I say.'
And I'm not even getting into the scene my head has just concocted of them in an officer's club. I haven't decided whether this is in some far-flung corner of the world or somewhere in Mayfair/the West End. :narrows eyes: The London one would take actual research. The far-flung one would have a completely different mood/type of fight, due to being hot and probably ex-colonial. With different furniture. Would have to figure out before I started the actual action.