wrong, wrong, so very WRONG.

Aug 12, 2008 13:04

Finally got off my arse and went looking for narnia icons. After sifting through all the actor icons to find actual *character* icons (not to mention half of narnia fandom seems to lock their damn icon posts after a week, *thanks so much*), I then had the insurmountable :headdesk: of loads and loads of prettily cut and edited icons.... none of which had a decent colour balance. Seriously. How do you not notice that the blues are a bit too turquoise and the scarlet-orange everyone's mouths are turning? Especially in a film where there's a lot of red-red in the general colour scheme.

Some of you may think this is not such a problem or just a filter thing. This is not like using a sepia or toning filter. This is getting your damn colour balance wrong, where your whites will not be correct. Seriously. Do you know how long we used to spend trying to get that correct in the photo labs? There is no either/or, correct colour balance is correct colour balance. It. Looks. Shit. And it is *different* from when you've lit it in an interesting way, or processed it in strange ways to get weird colours. It's very simple. Your whites will be really weird and dingy with a yellow tinge.

...Have thought that I probably sound like one of those old hands in any other craft profession where you spend years of training to make sure that your edges are smooth and suddenly the new trend is for unfinished hems and ragged edges. I don't care. It's not a style thing. It's shoddy and would not stand up to further examination.

(further note to the whole birth certificates thing - apparently I do have one beyond the certificate of live birth, but we couldn't find it. However, we did find my parents' marriage licence, which is an awesome piece of old west-style scrollwork, with all the language and everything. It's quite clearly the next generation up from having the Boot Hill font on it. And the judge has the name JD Plunkett. Who apparently was getting on a bit by the '70s - and he came out to Oklahoma on a wagon train. Why yes, I am jealous.)

smite!, narnia, family, babble, art, a clue:no

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