well, that's an experience.

Jul 18, 2008 13:15

after telling him no and making the mistake of actually replying to his email, it appears Graham went and read that entry, revealed himself to have the maturity of an _insert epithet here_, and said that from the first time he saw me around the office he felt that I was the kind of person he could have a serious relationship with, and justified this because he'd felt the same way the first time he saw his ex. Honey. that's not love. That's lust turned into obsession and fixation. And that he'd only ever gone to shows with me because he wanted to spend time with me. We're talking shows that sometimes cost £30-40 a ticket.

Whole bunch of other stuff.

But yep, told him 'don't ever email me on this subject again'. Essentially he's dead to me.

And bear in mind he still hasn't said word one to my face about this.

And here I thought Brian was a one-off of that type.

wtf?, a clue:no

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