
Jul 15, 2008 12:56


Gah. What is it about some people? They ask you out. You say 'no, thanks, I prefer friends' because you don't fancy them. Simple as that.

...And for some reason, instead of accepting this and moving on, some people see this as a cue to pour their hearts out in an email or letter and say how much they love and adore you. And are pining something chronic. In excruciating detail.

See other person go :'SHIT!' and scramble backwards, preferably as far away as possible.

Seriously, in what universe do they think that will help their cause? At the very least it causes intense embarassment and discomfort on the part of the person who said no, which as we know, screws up the normal friendship.

I ignored the email and acted like everything was normal. and then got follow-ups with 'I didn't say anything the other day but _even more detail, including past relationships_' (which I only read so far and then closed before reading any more) Cue me attempting world record for scrambling backwards and sending polite reply of 'look, I said friends, I don't fancy you, please stop sending me the emails NOW.'

Please god let that stop it there. And not go any further down the path of certain previous whatsits like that.

:headdesk: it's at times like this you want to retreat into Austen or Shakespeare speak about unwelcome attentions and 'I have not encouraged your attentions with one look or glance' type phrasing. I can understand misreading someone's behaviour as flirting, but surely the initial 'sorry, no' should put paid to that? It normally does. Maybe we just need a large sign saying 'No means no. In every sodding possible social situation.'

smite!, wtf?, a clue:no

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