Dr Who 4x13

Jul 05, 2008 19:57

Finale :

Okay, it was fun, a bit dangerous, Donna was officially awesome, there were several nice moments... (including Davros pointing out that the Doctor turns all his recent companions into military or non-nonsense willing to blow up the world agents), the instant they arrived in Bad Wolf Bay I started making the 'oh no' noises. Parents were eye-rolling too, but grinning whilst I started attempted to throw up because Rose has her very own Doctor (though still not satisfied, natch)

But RTD? YOU ARE DEAD TO ME. What fucking point was there in screwing over Donna that much? At least Martha got to make her own decision about leaving. Donna doesn't even get to remember and you turned her back into pre-Christmas Donna. THANKYOU OH SO MUCH.

And yeah, foreshadowing Mickey and Martha's future employment much? (though I loved 'Mickey mouse.' 'Captain Chessecake.' :HUG: 'Actually, it's Beefcake.' 'Stop hugging me.') Donna gets so many points for the forced hugging of Jack. and Jack's ponderings of what you could do with multiple Doctors.

tv: dr who

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