Falmouth updates

Jun 27, 2008 11:14

Right, we has St Mawes'd (with added ferry) (sheer amount of people getting their cameras out for the flowers rather'n the castle was a tad gigglesome, and we spent the audio guide giggling at the historical recreation bits and telling Megs that she was clearly freakishly tall since we were the correct size), Eden Project'd (photos! lots of photos!), beach'd (I now have miniskirt suntan - it looks really odd with shorts) and my god it was seriously windy (the, er, attempts to keep the windbreak up were laughable) and the water was cooooooold, though we now have very very exfoliated feet and calves.

I've eaten more hot breakfast in a week than I thought was possible when not at a hotel. And cursing slightly the propensity of nowhere in Falmouth being open pre-either 9 or 10am. You wouldn't think this would be a problem on holiday, but we've been waking up at 7-7:30ish every morning due to the seagulls. And going to bed around 11 due to dvd fatigue. So far, Shelter, Blackadder II and III, Ella Enchanted, Pretty in Pink, Blazing Saddles, and Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.

Today the forecast is grey. More grey. Plus a bit of drizzle.

Vaguely peeved that Mongol is on *next* week at the arts cinema. Trying to resist cute small bags. Jen and Megs discovered the wool shop and accidentally tripped into it. Really. I quote Jen : 'Whoops. I *tripped and fell*.'


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