
Jun 19, 2008 14:07

D/l'd firefox 3 at work (laptop screwing up too much last night to even contemplate doing owt odd - when I re-started it it bloody went and re-loaded *saturday*'s session, so had to go through all the history and open everything that looked vaguely okay. Tonight, going through and closing all the duplicates and everything I know I've read...). it is indeed shinier and faster. However, dislike the default skin, so went and browsed the themes. And we loves Firefox's efficiency - you go to the themes page, and only the ones compatible with v3.0 have a highlighted button. :happy sigh: Streamlining. It's a beautiful thing.

Finally getting round to properly listening to Amy Winehouse's 'Frank' (first album) so I can go through it and delete the tracks I dislike/go 'meh'. Quite a different album to 'Back to Black' - hasn't quite found her own sound yet, and you can hear lots of influences. Occasionally you hear bits that sound like her later stuff, but then the rest of the song gets overwhelmed by some other influence (e.g. obviously Sade, obviously traces of Manhattan Transfer, breathy girl band, etc) and most of it's *way* too light/breathy/high. Lyrics seem to be where she was doing well. So far the only ones I really like are 'Cherry' and 'Amy Amy Amy'.

And now thinking - what albums come under the 'everyone's heard/owns' banner?

'Back to Black' was bloody *everywhere* last year.
Prodigy's 'Fat of the Land' back in... '01 was it?
Massive Attack 'Mezzanine'.

oh, there's awesome and there's awesome : Master and Doctor to 'Girlfriend' ...I need this track in my life. WHY DON'T I HAVE IT?

And of course, right in the middle of getting some more plot/vague writey bit for the endlessly on the back-burner Jack and Ianto 30s timeslip fic (which sadly seems to be getting further and further away from the original Jeeves pastiche - maybe I should finish this *then* write an AU crossover scene) I get a bunny for a torchwood Cardiff WWI ficlet (tw_history 'in absentia' challenge pimppimpimp) which is now 80% written, or at least 50% plotted out on paper, 30% in head that now just needs tidying/tweaking.

tech, writing, tv: dr who, music, rec, vids

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