weather ick

May 26, 2008 15:07

Weather vile. Heart going out to miniosiris and clothsprogs who're being all 14th century down Dover is it? Here's hoping the rain's not too bad.

Woken up by wind and rain at 5am this morning, and though it's not quite as torrential now yours truly took one look when I got up and went 'bugger thys for a game of soldiers'. I don't mind light drizzle when jogging. I just really object to coming back with my teeth chattering and having to wade through swamp conditions.

Reading bits and pieces, lifting eyebrows at the taste of the British public over letting Jessie through in IDA, vaguely peeved at the Lord picking Rachel over Sam even though we know he's made his preference clear all series for Sam. Here's hoping Rachel gets a decent career out of this, especially after her performance of Cabaret. Worried if Sam wins it, because as a lot of people have pointed out, she's young and there's a high chance she'll ruin her voice. Fingers crossed for Jodie. Because if Jessie gets it, Cameron's going to have problems. Seriously, British public, the fact that she's been turning in mostly substandard performances, regular negative criticism from the judges on points that she never fixes and proving time and again that she can't act isn't an issue? (Graham tells me that judging by the non-musical boards he frequents, Jessie is fave amongst the blokes)

Went surfing through and playbill for amusement value, and as usual, got struck by reviewers getting completely the wrong end of the stick because they haven't got the cultural references in place. See After Elton's reviews of Torchwood and Seth Rudetsky's coverage of I'd Do Anything. Where he keeps mentioning the fact that all the girls sing 'As long as he needs me' as 'As long as he-ay nayds may', most recently coming up with the excuse that maybe it's easier on the vocals and letting them hit the notes better. :facepalm: Good lord. You'd think he might have figured out by now that it's because they're singing it with a cockney accent and that a cockney accent bears bugger all resemblance to Dick Van Dyke. Maybe I should point out that a worrying percentage of Broadway singers I've seen in the UK sound terribly nasal.

This is your opportunity to point out other stuff that people on the other side of the pond get completely the wrong end of the stick about due to lack of cultural reference. Seen anything annoying in Torchwood/Life on Mars coverage? Supernatural/SGA/insert US show here coverage? A personal favourite of mine is the amount of times we've had to yell 'UK coppers *do not carry guns*' or '...nhs does not work that way'

fandom, alwcasting: i'd do anything

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