My brain is wrong and sick.

May 21, 2008 13:12

As a few people now know, my brain is a sick, sick puppy. The ride home last night? I spent thinking about Grease 2 fanfic. You heard me.

Not just fanfic. How to stage it in a theatre (frightening easily, it turns out - the more coherent story works better for stage, and that includes the 'I'll sing it in your face and now we change the key'* dream sequence that you spend your entire time laughing at anyway that is 'Love will Turn Back the Hands of Time'. Oh, and no '...where the hell did that come from?' that is the hand jive practicing bit in Grease.)

*All hail Spamalot, for providing us with a perfect description of that kind of song.

And I really, really can't stop snickering over the fact that in the grand tradition of All-American screen pairings, the most all-American poster children couple of the Pink Ladies and T-Birds, Sharon Cooper and Louis Dimucci, the actor that plays Louis, Peter Frechette, is gay.

And the fanfic... it doesn't help that most of the T-birds have neon gay tendencies. Oh, the inherent dodginess of the 'Nobody, but nobody knows this happened, Shakespeare, dig? I got a rep to protect.' scene where they're meeting Michael in out of the way secret places and exchanging money for services... :squashes the bunnies that point out that Michael is always smirking after these transactions and is very secure in his sexuality: Oh, and the *really* screaming gayness of the clean-cut kids, but that's not even subtext.

dammit, I've still got Torchwood fic on the back burner! 1930s Jack/Ianto timeslip fic at that! sod off!

...hmm. Do you think we could get Matthew Bourne to take these bunnies off my hands and turn it into a ballet complete with gay scenes? I mean, it *is* his fave era and style, and he hasn't done disguises as a subject yet (as opposed to split personalities). Leather trousers on one of the characters! Very tight jeans on the gang characters! Motorbikes! At least one garage scene! Complete fucking overdone camp americana elsewhere! How can he resist? My only problem would be whether or not you could shoehorn Brick Shithouse into Michael's role. Taz, could this be done? Could Brick Shithouse pull off geeky and basically nice? (we know perfectly well that Adam and Scott and Sam could, I'm just biased.) Dammit. We need to see Nutcracker again with him as Nutcracker to see if he can actually pull it off.

....for those of you on Dr Who fic comms, *please* tell me someone's already written fic for the Agatha Christie ep of the adorable betwixt stairs gay couple.

(I just searched the pit o' voles. 1 Grease 2 fic. ONE. Stephanie and Michael's kid. Phew, no reason to touch it...)

theatre, writing, fandom, grease 2, ads: brick shithouse, tv: dr who, ads: matthew bourne, musicals

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