belated birthday

Jan 10, 2008 14:21

Yesterday, dinner and drinkies in small Italian place on Monmouth St. Where 'twas discovered that mingmerciless is English fandom's Kevin Bacon. snowballjane already met him. At fencing at the Poly. And we later gulped a tad over the bill.... and then figured out that it only looked high because there were more people at the table than we're used to calculating for. £23.50 for starter, main pasta, dessert, coffee, and a glass of wine/g&t is *good*.

I has a dalek hot water bottle cover. It makes *noises*.

:bouncy bouncy harass snowballjane cos 'tis her birthday:

ooops. Forgot to wish sheldrake a somewhat belated birthday. flist appears to be full of Capricorns. hmm. and considering I have a tendency to surround myself with blunt, obstinate fannish types, there may be a correlation here.... (or possibly all the people who were grumpy over the fact that their relatives kept trying to give one pressie for both xmas and birthday - note to such people : it only works if it's huge. Just saying. and that their birthday was nearly always on the first day back at school/mock exams or got a bit ignored due to being too close to the madness of xmas and new year.)


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