Special Journalistic Purposes : cure all

Nov 20, 2007 15:08

Skipped entire Indy/Jack sequence to get to the present day so I could partially atone for the boring sex by writing the scene whose only purpose is Special Journalistic Purposes. My Jeremy Northam character plotbunny muse is very co-operative at all times when I let it loose. :pets it whilst wearing the very, very thick gloves: So, now I have 2,669 words of Special Journalistic Purpose scene, and it's only about half way through... Still about 1k behind, but this should be solved by the rest of that scene. Then hopefully catch up properly with the Indy and Jack adventures, since as it's going to consist of mad dashing about and quips and planes shouldn't be a problem. Then the actual plot looms ahead.... Honest, Methos, I'll get to you in a bit. Now have a horrible feeling I'm going to be writing this for months after just to finish the damn story. And then there's editing just to get rid of the shite I wrote in the early stages to pad it. Blegh.

At 4pm we're going bowling, sanctioned by managers for team building and target-reaching rewards. I have had Grease 2's 'We're gonna score tonight' in my head on and off since early this morning. Fear me.

Further work gubbins : Nothing like that point when there's problems because I didn't know policy on how to deal with chasing up delayed stuff, which included notifying your managers so they could deal with it.
me : *blank expression* ...I was supposed to notify you guys?
Them : What did you think we were for?
Me : I didn't even know you guys dealt with that kind of thing.
Them : How do you do it, then?
Me : Go and ask production to do it. Verbally.
Them : With no email record?
Me : Well, they always ignored emails due to workload so I don't bother.
Them : They're not supposed to!
Me : Um. No-one told me. *thinks*. Er. Could this be because I'm still on mindset where the dept was half the size it is now and I didn't have any managers and had to do everything myself? And no-one ever thought to tell me because they'd only had to explain it to the new people?

writing, nanowrimo, work

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