You only *think* you know all the possible innuendo.

Oct 29, 2007 14:37

As all good Torchwood fans know, the culture and innuendo-starved colonialists are being legally* exposed to Torchwood for the good of their Harkness-less souls. They've just had They Keep Killing Suzie, aka a fabulously written ep which also has the somewhat infamous line about what you can do with seemingly innocent timepieces, aka the yell of slashers going 'SEE? WE TOLD YOU SO! THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS SUBTEXT WHEN THERE IS HARKNESS!'

*ie, actually broadcast on a tv signal they can get by paying through the nose for it, as opposed to download.

Ahem. Anyway. BBC America, like all good websites run by geeks, have added extra web content per ep - the Captain's Log, which has things like staff issues, rift monitor, alien activity, etc. And you know how we all thought you couldn't put more innuendo into the stopwatch issue than we already had? Oh, BBC America web team, you've done us proud. Look under 'Other Staff Issues and Upcoming Issues'. Please do not have a drink in your mouth, because your screen may suffer. Jack, seriously, how the hell do you *do* that?

Also, I want a t-shirt with Magically Fabulous on it.

And Kane? We love you so much, we really do. Listening to their live album recorded at a Starfury convention and glorying in their fabulousness as a live band. I'm really getting to that point where I prefer live renditions of songs to anything studio-done due to that whole musicals addiction factor*, where you narrow your eyes at popsters and go 'riiiiiiight. And how much of that is your actual voice and how much is that stupid vocal tricks disguising that your voice isn't actually that strong?' to that point where I listen to this, the new recording of Being Alive by JB on his not-yet out album Another Side - not the greatest sound quality, admittedly, due to it being off the BBC's Listen Again website - and start muttering about it not being nearly as good as the Kennedy Centre Company performance (WMA file, sorry) or any of his live concerts I've been at due to over-orchestration and not having that raw live quality. (understand that 'raw live quality' for John also automatically includes 'trying to restrain from giggle fits', crying with emotion, fluffing up any autocues that may be near him, and other issues...)

*part and parcel of this is the increase in your music collection of 'this wasn't recorded on a smuggled-in mp3 player, honest'

ooo, almost forgot, to file under 'new phrases coined at pubmeet' : Get Off My Biscuit.

We were contemplating seeing what would happen if we printed it up on t-shirts, wore it at conventions, to see if the phrase would spread to the point where people who had *no idea* of the original context would wear/use it. Like unto 'The goggles! They do nothing!' and 'I'll be in my bunk'. We've seen this happen with bloody dance moves, for christ's sake - certain moves you may know from such dances as YMCA and thought were bog-standard? They were invented at a convention. No, we're not telling you which moves.

father jack otp, music, ads: john barrowman, dance troupe daleks, captain jack, downloads, tv: torchwood, musicals

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