last night drinkies + note to self

Aug 10, 2007 16:10

Oddly cheery today, given the impending 'eeep' about flat. more scheduled.

Last night was the work summer do, which passed in a very giggly, gossippy haze of everyone getting ridiculously rat-arsed very early on - the tab ran out at 9 due to a large amount of cocktails and expensive bottles of wine being ordered. After that, we were polishing off random drinks left around ' that anyone's Pimms/G'n'T/what looks suspiciously like a cosmo that was abandoned due to being too sickly sweet but now we're rat-arsed enough not to care?' After that, more talk, more silliness, people gradually sobering up by kicking out time (yes, very disturbing), I managed to snag someone's bloody mary that had been rejected for too much tabasco (you could smell the stuff from a foot away) which meant bugger all hangover. :g:

Also got congratulated for my sneezing power ('oh, it's you? the fact you managed to apologise in the middle of one sneezing fit was really impressive - and how do you reach that pitch and volume?)

Found out that one of the new girls is a Browncoat. And another person? Is in bandom and recognised jamjar's name...

Need to see Macbeth either sat or next week before it goes from Regents' Park.

father jack otp, work

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