sheriff ermine pouting

May 21, 2007 11:52

munchkinott, remember me griping about not being able to do a smackdown recently because they were being well-behaved? Well, someone was fuckwitted this weekend, there was smackdown, then I made a mod post which involved me insulting their intelligence. Except I somehow think I'm never going to be able to start a reign of terror at this rate. The usual response to mod posts in other communities tends to be whining and muttering and hesitant 'thankyou for enforcing the rules, that person was a fuckwit', right? Not at robinhoodbbc. There, they *rate* my damn mod posts. And take points off for criteria missed. And leave comments like 'yay for dictator!mod - all hail!'.

...They worry me.

In other news, have been having that moment where you post fic, are rather proud of certain bits, but the bit everyone fixates on and comments on is a throwaway line you wrote without thinking about and thought was fairly standard cliché for that style of fic. (vaguely scared. have posted four pieces of fic so far this year. At this rate I'm going to exceed my limit of 5 maximum.)

In other news, need to get off my arse and go see some theatre; I have a parental voucher for two free tickets that I still haven't spent. Hmm. Billy Elliot or Sound of Music?

theatre, lit moaning, writing

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