costume adaptations of the 'er....'

Mar 18, 2007 23:35

Spent the last couple of hours watching Mansfield Park (Billie Piper, itv) and cleaning up a website I designed a year or so ago for a mate's work. Mansfield Park... er. Not entirely sure if I can decide whether it was a good or bad adaptation, because Mansfield Park is the book that goes 'boring boring boring sedate - whammo! Histrionics! - sedate sedate'. Billie was lovely as Fanny, if a little too pretty. Half the point of Fanny Price is that she's not as pretty or vivacious as her cousins, and you've got Billie practically shining forth and grinning a lot, which doesn't help. (The Doctor Who eps with her, Chris and John in, could be termed the battle of the sparkly wide grins.) She was considerably plainer in Ruby in the Smoke. Bad itv costume/makeup department. Bad.

Started jogging again, doing all of - I dunno, maybe eight minutes if that? in Regents' Park. Walked to and from there for warmup/cooldown. Not entirely sure how I'm going to continue this, since automatic reaction to getting out of work is 'collapse'.

jogging, tech, tv in general

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