the concept of Bettany-esque, dear readers.

Mar 15, 2007 15:26

It's always nice when the sandwich people hire eyecandy. The office now gets a Diet Coke Break. :g:

If anyone hasn't seen Baby Got Back as interpreted by messrs Gibert and Sullivan, please do not watch this at work or when you're drinking. Damage to keyboards may occur.

Ah, charity shops. ♥ found a perfect condition suede miniskirt for 5.99.

ooooo. Waaaant : Bracelet phone. As long as they make it small enough that it won't slip off my hand. ...The Japanese do have smaller hands than me, don't they? :worried look: has encroached on my bank balance again. Damn them. Topsy Turvy, Sunset Boulevard, Pirates of Penzance (Kevin Kline version, see the Baby got Back vid) and Grease 2 will be miiiiine. :drums fingers: Still waiting for Aspects of Lloyd Webber, which seems to have been put on indefinite hold by the publishers. Waiting til next month to get Sunset Boulevard soundtrack (US Glenn Close version, by all accounts far superior to the UK premiere).

Need to get off arse one lunchtime and go down to John Lewis for trimmings for the dress so I can actually make it.

Watched that Taste of My Life thing. (John Barrowman trying to be on every single programme ever before Torchwood filming starts) Him and Nigel Slater are frankly adorable. Was rather funny hearing about him and Suranne Jones' thing for junk food during A Few Good Men - this explains her pouncing on our offer of Millie's Cookies when stage door stalking.

Now just need to catch up on BSG, since I *finally* now have a copy of ep 14 that isn't corrupt. Then possibly see if I can manage to get through the remaining SG-1 eps - I've started ep 15 four times now? Slightly amused by the gateworld rss feed - 'exclusive preview look of episode 11 photos!' 'Second part of S10 starting!' Us and the Canadians : '...honey, the show *finished* this week.'

Rome. Also known as :thud:. Aside from the last thirty seconds of this week's ep, during which two words were spoken which managed to convey an entire situation and I nearly squeed the house down and fell over. Dear James Puresex, why have they not cloned you? However, what I'm amused by is the fact that Octavian (older version, not Max Purkis) is completely being compared to Paul Bettany. I mean, seriously, everyone's using the phrase 'Bettany-esque' for both looks *and* acting - and as a description of how Octavian should be portrayed. Something about a combination of finely drawn aristocratic and cold-blooded acumen with added potential bastardry and sex appeal.

Hmm. Can anyone manufacture an excuse to have James Puresex and Paul Bettany in a production together, playing off each other? (A Knight's Tale, they weren't actually facing off in the same scene much, so that doesn't count. :mutter:) Please? I mean, you'd have to get the drool buckets, CPR units and defibrillators ready, but.. but... think of the artistic necessity!

tech, tv in general, tv: rome, squee!

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