TW meet-up, you can't make me vid

Mar 05, 2007 23:30

:thwacks unsuspecting americans across the head:

There is no such thing as an ER in this country! Or liquor! (and they were doing so *well*...) There is a Casualty Department (old name, still used regularly) or an A&E (Accident and Emergency, the current name) Department. And we have drink or spirits. The closest we get to the word 'liquor' is 'liqueur', and that either means the alcoholic syrup you get inside chocolates, or the fruit/hazelnut/vanilla/whatever syrup you add to drinks. When you want to use the posh word for 'syrup'. If I see 'liquor' in a British fic, my brain automatically starts pondering whether the Ambassador is really spoiling us. No, really. Or start looking around for a Kir.

In other news, had large amounts of fun at the Torchwood meet-up yesterday. 3 hours in TGI Fridays, then 3 hours in the All Bar One after we got chucked out of there. Where we discussed Torchwood, Jack/anybody, how much we get annoyed by Gwen and will they please have her doing the job she's meant to, Barrowman, the scariness of stage door scrums, theatre, Harry Potter, Ianto the teenaged girl, scenes in fic that have damn near killed us due to laughing, and what would happen if one day Jack's braces went for a burton and Ianto had to get a short-term replacement. Which means clip-on ones because button-braces can only be found at specialists. Basically, every few hours there would be a *TWANG* echoing across the Hub.

Argh. You know how you occasionally think 'oh, that would work so well as a vid', then maybe it goes a bit further and you think of a couple of scenes for a specific line in a vid. Due to the *pain* (no seriously, PAIN) of seeing 2 - count them - *2* badly edited/bad scene picks for Anything Goes (JB version) for Dr Who/Captain Jack/Torchwood vids (one was during S1 Dr Who, one during Torchwood S1 - and neither managed to use the defabricator scene on either of the song's *three* lines about nudity/being undressed), I started randomly noting specific scenes for each line of Anything Goes' lyrics.

...Today I discovered I'd completed 3/4 of the damn song. NO, I AM NOT GOING TO LEARN HOW TO USE VIDDING SOFTWARE. YOU CAN'T MAKE ME.

Classic quote of t'evening :

Polish flatmate's friend (also Polish) : What kind of weather do you call this? It's awful! (it wasn't raining and was merely rather strongly blustery)
Me : ...Spring?

I have heard that in other countries, where they merely have something called 'climate' and not Proper Weather, that they take their weather programs seriously and not the cross between comedy and fortune telling that they they are in their natural form. Uncivilised, clearly.

smite!, fandom, pubmeet, tv: torchwood, captain jack

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