Spent part of the day surfing for pics of ivy and alphonse mucha images for tattoo to mail to tattoo artist so he can come up with an image for my back.
Nano is finished as of last night, though the ending may feel rushed due to not being nearly as wordy as the rest. It's over at
darkisrising, in chronological order due to being written that way.
ruthi, if you read this, tell me what you think. it'll be edited for the godawful spelling sometime later.
Watched Pride and Prejudice since I'd been promising myself it since I started. Glad to see that the dances at Netherfield (ie, the posher ones) are how I remember.
Someone needs to kill my Mary Sue Bunnies. They've gone and gone all melodramatic on me. Even more so than usual. Most disturbing. :kicks one of them: (for those not in the know, I use my Mary Sue universe to work out all the really *bad* impulses in fic. It has a habit of reading like Chick-lit with added Mills and Boon.)
Went to see Casino Royale with flatmate. (If you lose track, I have three flatmates) BEST EVER BOND. BEST EVER FILM OF ENTIRE SERIES. Action sequences. Daniel Craig. Verper being cooler than the majority of Bond Girls. Casino. Daniel Craig. The Aston Martin. MI6 working away in background. Script of fucking fabulous sniping and one-liners. There's one near the end that had nearly every girl in the place choking in laughter. Daniel Craig. Flatmate and I spent film squeebling, and then discussing just how damn cool the film was when we got out.
I only have two quibbles. The title sequence was cool, but not as cool as it could have been, song kind of average. (soundtrack on other hand was beautifully done). And Mads Mikkelsen doesn't clean up as well as you'd think. From now on I demand that he remain scruffy. He's far sexier like that.