Bing diddly beep, Edward Scissorhands

Mar 13, 2006 13:14

:pokes flist: Where is all the fic that should be being posted, dammit? There's been bugger all all weekend.

Sunday spent with mild headache and general icky feeling of the extent that you spend the whole day on the sofa in your dressing gown because you feel nauseous and can't concentrate. bleh.

Edward Scissorhands on Tuesday was fun, very silly and rather gorgeous. (It's Matthew Bourne, what do you expect?) Expressions on Edward were hysterical as the poor boy was completely lost. Taz explained to one woman what the plot was (I thought I was the only person there who hadn't seen the film) - which is basically freak boy gets adopted by 50s type family, falls in love with daughter, chased off when an accident happens. Also, looked up at one point and realised the theatre was completely full, including the Gods, and it was almost entirely 20-30 somethings. Just *slightly* different from your usual audience.

:raises eyebrow: This appears to be different from all other Matthew Bournes. There's no gay text in it. Though the local slut was hysterical, as was the white trash family.

As has become tradition, fed the orchestra chocolate during the interval. (for those of you who've never tried this, it's like feeding time at the zoo. I swear, most of them would be quite willing to do tricks for it. This also applies to the sound desk and bouncers.) Though this orchestra had no interesting reading material.

theatre, ads: matthew bourne, ads: kerry biggin, dance, ads: micheala meazza

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