May 12, 2005 19:49

MariDandy: cable guess what!
ChocolateSheep86: What!?!?!
MariDandy: YOU know sean jensen?
MariDandy: he was outraged when you wore the girl pants yesterday!!!
MariDandy: hahaha
ChocolateSheep86: WHy?
ChocolateSheep86: What's he care?
MariDandy: he said you were a disgrace to the scene kids...bozzi told me it cracked us up
MariDandy: hahaha
ChocolateSheep86: What the heck!? That's awesome!
ChocolateSheep86: But how am I a disgrace...:-(
MariDandy: he felt you were making fun of them
MariDandy: hahaha
MariDandy: so it's that way not in a bad way, he meant it in an "i'm so offended way
ChocolateSheep86: Well good, they look freak'n ridiculous. Seriously tell him to do something about his hair
MariDandy: i'm goin to
MariDandy: that's what emi said. and i said to boz to tell him1
MariDandy: yesh...we all hate it?!
MariDandy: well i've got to gbo
ChocolateSheep86: Seriously
MariDandy: talk to you later, don't be mad
MariDandy: you made a good long statement on him
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