Yeah, not feeling the work thing this week...

Mar 30, 2006 13:32

I should work because I do have things I could do. None are urgent or urgent enough that my boss would have a tizzy if not done today, so yeah, just not motivated to do much.

Seeing as how I only have 1 LJ entry (ha!), I figured I might as well hit this thing up.

So, I have this site saved on my Google desktop and the randomness of the blurbs on there are great. Here's a few:

• The Oxford English Dictionary (Unabridged) is the only English dictionary that contains an entry for "pompitous", a word made infamous by The Steve Miller Band's song "The Joker". It is defined as the pluperfect tense of pompous.

• In the Dutch language, the restaurant idiom "let's go American" means to not leave a tip.    {LOL, we're known as cheap bastards, I guess}

• Two thirds of the world's heads of state are related within three generations to another head of state.

Now, this site is called Gullible and I'm not about to verify everything but if all is true...some pretty trippy shit on there.

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