What the hell?!?

Sep 08, 2007 19:10

About 30 min ago I'm getting ready to start washing a few dishes when I hear someone yelling outside. I didn't think anything of it because the kids across the street have been playing outside all day. But then I realized this was no kid's voice but a grown woman's voice.

So I peek outside & there's this woman in a white truck parked right in front of my house yelling. I go to a different window to see who she's yelling at & there ain't nobody there. O_o

I went outside to see if perhaps there was someone there that I just couldn't see from inside the house. Well, there was no one! The woman didn't look at me but she did notice me 'cause she rolled her car forward a bit but kept yelling. Now I could hear what she was saying - she was going on about some couple or guy that I guess had said something to her about being gay and/or being gay with a child and then something about that person being against gay marriage. And that 'if you come threaten me, I'm coming to threaten your family.'

WTF?!? First off, I had never seen this woman in my life. Secondly, her anger was misdirected because not only do my boyfriend & I have no children, we're both pro gay marriage. Not that she could've known that because I had never seen this loon before.

She drove to the next street, still yelling, and turned on to another street and she was still yelling. And then she was gone.

I'm still a little freaked out though, not necessarily because of this crazy broad, but because it brought back flashbacks of this crazy neighbor I had a few years back when I lived in Arcata. Basically, this woman chased me out of my apartment because she apparently had a thing against inter-racial couples. She didn't do anything violent, just scary & freaky.

I really thought I had dealt with that completely but then today's crazy woman kicked in that fear. Yikes!
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