(no subject)

Apr 29, 2006 09:21

Man, I really stink at keeping this thing updated, which leads me to thinking about my uncle.

I just got a letter from him full of encouragements & articles about the act of writing, the process of writing, etc. I never really expressed my interest in pursuing writing to him - I was so singleminded about wanting to teach until I graduated and then I started feeling differently. My sister told him, which is just fine -- it wasn't a secret or anything, I just never got around to telling him. But I don't know, now that he knows, I feel like I have to try my hardest and not give up. It's so easy to say, ah fuck it to yourself but when a relative/friend/mentor pushes you & knows you want to pursue writing (just like he's been writing for decades & decades), well it's get a bit harder to say fuck it. So I best cut it out with the excuses & get to getting. Buuuut, first I better finish my shift. See, I feel like writing now that I'm working. lol.

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