Well, I've started to make icons. o_o
I've only made one so far, but I'm gonna start working on more. I want to know what anybody who's watching this thinks about it. XDD And I need to credit stuff and stuff. You know. Yeah...
Stuff under cut!
Karasu, from Naruto. :P
Stock photo;
http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/56688248/ Thar. I'll probably get what I can from that guy, 'cause I like his stuff.- nod-
Other stock stuff;
http://www.staticstock.com/ Fonts from; www.dafont.com
tutorial used;
http://community.livejournal.com/noldo_icons/7834.html screencap;
http://the-hanyou-cons.livejournal.com/10869.html#cutid1 http://www.animegalleries.net/ <3