Biology, I stole Marshall's rubber band AND his pen. HA. TAKE THAT FOR MAKING ME THINK THAT YOU HAD MY SHARPIE ALL WEEKEND. >D
And now I'm not giving it back, becuase like, I think I got another A+ on my test that I took with it, and it inspired me to like, write my fanfiction. WHICH I'M GOING TO POST AN UPDATE TO TODAY, MARK MY WORDS. REALLY I AM. SERIOUSLY. It'S GOING TO BE UBER LONG TOO. :D
Study hall was boring. All I did was drool over the picture of SAm Guthrie that Tami drew me. Mmm. Work on my fic, oh yeah.
Speaking of Fics, I've really got to get around to reading 'state of mind' becuase ohgawsh I loved that fic. Located on Speedsicle. And that uhm. ...really long one whose name escapes me on Dry_Ice. Yes, yes. After I write my fic, I will reward myself. ;D Or something. I dunno. I think I'm only writing my fic now is becuase I don't want to do homework. o_o;;
Anyway. SkipskipAlgebra, and then we go to lunch. Eateateatyay and then me and Bernice are talking and somehow we get to the subject of boyfriends and how I've never had one and then she gives me this shifty look and is all like "I think Marshall will be your first." -laughs- And I'm all like. -silent- becuase I really wouldn't mind that. o_o; and then suddenly "What makes you say that?" And she goes "Becuase of how much you two annoy each other." Ah. Well. That makes sense.
Oh. yeah. Hooray. I don't have to get rid of another study.
ER. Ohno. So boring. Two studies. ;_;
I should get a laptop for school or something. >>; <<; zomgthat'dbesocool. I'd get my fics up faster, too. Yars. Okay. Anyway again.
Yeah. I think that's it. oO; KayBYE. Next update should be a fic. If it's not, beat me. Grawr.
P.S. I hate photobucket and Livejournal not having long links.>>;