Dec 16, 2003 11:05
La Etoile 15 (8:36:13 AM): So Saddam...what do u think about him being found?
La Etoile 15 (8:36:33 AM): I sure know who I'll pick to for my "hide-and-go-seek" team
La Etoile 15 (8:36:41 AM): good Man hunt player and such
Ooper1122 (8:37:13 AM): ya know, i think thats its like, okay so he was in a hole, what was he doing in that hole besides getting old and dirty, i mean its good hes out, but if he wants to be in a hole, id say that would be punishment enough for him to be in there
Ooper1122 (8:37:22 AM): and you are rite, i would definitly pick him first for my team
La Etoile 15 (8:37:34 AM): hahaha....seoirusly
La Etoile 15 (8:37:39 AM): would could be worse than living in a hole?
La Etoile 15 (8:37:52 AM): it's worse than death...altho he did have $750, 000 with him...
Ooper1122 (8:37:57 AM): like jail? no, id say thats the same thing, and a whole is worse
Ooper1122 (8:38:11 AM): but what was he gonna do with the money, pay the rats to leave him alone
La Etoile 15 (8:38:15 AM): ...and well...there is a lot he can buy down there from the mice and rats
La Etoile 15 (8:38:17 AM): haha
Ooper1122 (8:38:20 AM): hahahhaha
La Etoile 15 (8:38:24 AM): i mean
Ooper1122 (8:38:25 AM): my thoughts exactly
La Etoile 15 (8:38:42 AM): he can like buy some cheese from them....some fleas, and creepy rat disease
Ooper1122 (8:38:55 AM): exactly, btu you can get all that in jail for free im sure
La Etoile 15 (8:39:10 AM): you get food and water in jail
La Etoile 15 (8:39:17 AM): rats and dirt in a hole
Ooper1122 (8:39:27 AM): and proabbly fleas and various diseases in both
La Etoile 15 (8:39:33 AM): yeah
Ooper1122 (8:39:34 AM): so id say the hole is worse
La Etoile 15 (8:39:39 AM): with out a doubt
La Etoile 15 (8:39:46 AM): hahaha..imagine his face when they found him
La Etoile 15 (8:39:49 AM): what a disappointment
Ooper1122 (8:40:04 AM): i would have shaved my beard and went to hawaii, nobody would have ever looked there
Ooper1122 (8:40:08 AM): yeah seriously
La Etoile 15 (8:40:11 AM): after all that hard work of trying to find a good soloid place to hide
La Etoile 15 (8:40:15 AM): and bam...we find 'im
Ooper1122 (8:40:52 AM): yeah, like all that work for nothing and then its like so they found him after 9 months, he wsa in a hole for 9 months if he had known he was gonna be found he shoulda just never went in, saved himself the effort of hiding
La Etoile 15 (8:40:58 AM): yeah really...good old Hawaii....what do they know there? Surfing...? like, i don't even think they learn there, no schools...honestly,...hawaiii is just a play state that the US took for the hell of it
La Etoile 15 (8:41:12 AM): hahaha
La Etoile 15 (8:41:52 AM): honestly...if I could haev seen into the future...i woulda said "Saddie H....just dont' try...we're gonna find ya. I mean...if you really want to attempt at a good place to hide, go for it...but in the end, your efforts will be worthless"
Ooper1122 (8:41:56 AM): seriously, and who woudl ever think sadamm was there, i was convinced that him and osama were just chillin somewhere in the tropics or something, drinkin coconut drinks with little umbrellas in them, soakin up the sun, partying it up
La Etoile 15 (8:41:57 AM): that's what I'd say
Ooper1122 (8:42:11 AM): id say the same thing
La Etoile 15 (8:42:16 AM): Good old Osama
La Etoile 15 (8:42:26 AM): I can only imagine where he's hiding
Ooper1122 (8:42:31 AM): yeah, hes a good hide and seeker too, even better id say
La Etoile 15 (8:43:02 AM): I'm gonna take it back, if I could make the ideal man hunt team, it'd be me and Osama
Ooper1122 (8:43:05 AM: if we were playing, and i got saddam and you got osama, i dunno whod win ya know
Ooper1122 (8:43:18 AM): yeah thatd be a wise choice
La Etoile 15 (8:43:20 AM): ....sure I'd be terrified for my life that making one wrong remark would get my head blown off, but man, an unbeatable team
Ooper1122 (8:43:38 AM): yeah, and if you were winning, im sure hed be pretty friendly
La Etoile 15 (8:44:06 AM): I'd make sure to win. Haha...imagine them screaming OLLY OLLY OXANFREEE!
Ooper1122 (8:44:22 AM): hahahah o man
La Etoile 15 (8:44:31 AM): olly olly oxan--- bam!! ya dead.
Ooper1122 (8:44:43 AM): hahaha that was a good one
La Etoile 15 (8:44:45 AM): (Sry had to throw in some allan)
Ooper1122 (8:45:07 AM): oh you found for you, imgonna kill you now...its a win win,or lose lose game for them
La Etoile 15 (8:45:17 AM): it really is