(no subject)

Nov 24, 2006 12:28

Greetings friends, comrades (especially those of you who dislike being called comrade).

I hope you are all well, although I can see from the onslaught of angsty livejournal postings that this is obviously not the case. I hope it's just a perchance for drama and a slightly interesting livejournal that you kids present yourselves this way, for you seem fine in the 3d dimensions of real life.

Anyhow, I'm currently weaving my way through a onslaught of red tape that is leaking into most areas of my life due to its current upheaveals. Yes, for those of you who don't know, I've moved yet again. It's a lovely little place just off Enmore, with floorboards and room to breathe. This one will be a keeper for a while, mainly because of the year long lease I signed with my pretty name that will keep me bound to this lovely abode until it releases me from its modestly painted grasp.

So I'm happily leaping through centrelinks forms of love and feeling the oh so superior feelings of one who has seen it all before. Apart from that I've been trying to recover from a year of academic mediocrity and obscenely poor form that was my university year of 2006. This shall keep me happily occupied until the coming year and most likely well throughout knowing my tremendous dislike of dealing with the Arts facualty. This is no walk through darlinghurst centrelink, nosiree. There will be no feelings of assurance and reliabilty of the failures of centrelink forms to adhere to any of their policies. No feelings of suppiority as Beau the Anarchist patiently sits in line with the rest of them to hand in details of my life in duplicate on forms patiently formed by the state service. No these are the men and women that I admire and adore. The ones in which I let their words leak through the cracks in my ears and soak into my thought process. The ones that like me but scorn my wasted potential. I generally avoid dealing with these people, they expect something real from me. A terrifying thought.

Other than that, I've just generally been running around and ruining everyones life. It's been pretty much the story of the week for the past year. Any other happy couples willing to watch their lives exploud open their introduction to me? I should hope not. Makes me feel generally self depreciative, but one can't stop doing these things.

That would require character now, wouldn't it?

I'll just stay at home and listen to the new Slits album I spent too much money on and wear your shirt like a secret.


I got hit by a car the day before last.
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