Yeah kids, the annual Thing is happening this Saturday at the Great Hall, Queen Mary University, Mile End, London, England, The World. It's open between 10am and 5pm and tickets to civilians are £4.
What the hell am I selling? I'm bringing Venal Muse, Polar Opposites, LTWYL 2-5, Badges (Buttons) and most importantly my 2 brand new minis.
The long awaited (by my girlfriend...) collection of Ellerbisms Vol 1. This includes some never seen before strips and the cover is printed on really nice recycled card. I've got such a boner for those Kurosagi Corpse Delivery comics at the moment and wanted something which was similar to them while being robust and different to the last minis I made. I'm so pleased how these came out, they're the best looking comics I've made yet.
Second is the mini version of my
Hourly Comic and is limited to 150 copies. That's 150 copies EVER! So if you want one get in quick. The covers for these are printed on recycled card too, so the illustration above doesn't do it justice- the yellow gives a nice screenprinted effect on the brown card. These are A6 in size and look really cute all stacked up.
Click here to see the cover spreads in full. Fans of the 'OM!' picture will be pretty pleased ;)
Anna's been helping my staple and cut and fold these so massive thanks to her as I would be days behind schedule if it weren't for her.
I'll be selling these on line from Monday and they'll be cheaper than Venal Muse and Polar Opposites as I've Learnt My Lesson Regarding The Selling Of Mini Comics. Oh and speaking of which, I'm letting Venal Muse go out of print this year and when they all go, I'll put it online.
Americans who want some might want to hold off buying anything yet as I'm looking at getting a US distributor set up so I don't end up charging the world for postage.
So hopefully see you there?