Meant To Be - Part 3: You're My Hero

Sep 07, 2010 23:52

Title: Meant To Be - Part 3: You're My Hero
Rating: PG? 
Fandom: Sherlock
Characters/Pairing: Sherlock/John, Harry
Warning:  Slash,
Word Count: 1,015
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Doyle, Sherlock belongs to BBC
Summary:    After being rejected by the adoption agency Sherlock has another suggestion. 
Author's Notes: Domesticness and DRAMA!  But fluffiness is on it's way.  Probably in the next chapter!  YAY!


“SHERLOCK!”  The detective was already out the door hailing a cab so John carefully collected his stricken sister.  “It’s ok, Sherlock knows the fastest routs, he’ll get us there in no time.”  He patted her hair and wiped her face as he led her to the front door.  He continued to reassure her, speaking medical gibberish in a low voice.  Knowing she didn’t understand but would be comforted in thinking that he did.  All this while forcing down his own panic, calculating the months needed for all organs to fully form and possible complications for his sister.  He looked down to see Harry was nodding along with him, slowly getting control over herself as they made their way down the stairs.  “There he is.”  Sherlock was holding the door open while growling something at the driver.  They helped her into the taxi and made it to the hospital in record time.  Not without threats from Sherlock if the man didn’t take the turn when he was told and John may have helped with an extra foot on the accelerator.

At the information desk things slowed as they tend to in hospitals.  Harry was ushered into a room and hooked up to various machines.  Her vitals were taken, forms were filled before the doctor even introduced himself.  Harry’s doctor was apparently with another patient.  John had never heard of this other man and yelled down the nurse with all the intimidation of his army training and that of a protective brother.  She only shrugged and stated “It’s a full moon sir.”

Suddenly Sherlock was at his side.  A warm hand on his back as he whispered the complete history of their doctor based on the stain on the sleeve of his shirt.  In Sherlock’s own way telling him the man was qualified.  John nodded his consent with a stray thought that he trusted Sherlock’s word more than God’s and that that knowledge didn’t bother him in the least.

Harry was induced.  The panic already making her tired she bit down on her weariness and pushed on.  John had never been in more awe of her.  His older sister who had fought off their father when he targeted John, who had come out to the same man with all the daring of a fearless fox, who fought his same disease and rose above it, who had enough hardship without taking on her brother’s, here she was after offering to birth his children, pushing through more pain than she’s ever experienced.  John felt his chest ache with gratitude and happily took the bruising that Harry was leaving on his hand.  Sherlock on the other hand was watching her doctor.  John could see his mind working as his eyes darted over the tools and at Harry.  There was also a hint of protectiveness, unnoticed by anyone else but John could see it clear as day in the tightening of Sherlock’s lips.

“Sherlock,”  Harry’s face was red and her glare was murderous.  “if you don’t get your head out of there, I swear to you I will make John a single parent.”  Sherlock’s head popped up from his observing and his nose wrinkled at the threat.  John couldn’t help a soft chuckle though it came out pained and panicky.

The first baby came with no troubles.  All dark hair and long limbs.  She needed her lungs cleared a bit before she cried.  And her cry was surprisingly soft, as if she would rather not but she would do it for their benefit.  They breathed a sigh of relief as she was passed off to be weighed and measure and cleaned.  Sherlock’s eyes followed her and John’s heart warmed at the sight.  Harry whimpered at the encouragement to keep pushing but complied.   And suddenly Sherlock’s eyes sought John’s, his brow was creased in concern and John could see he meant to draw his attention to the doctor who looked ill at ease.  And sure enough when the second baby came he was limp.  He wasn’t breathing.  There was a hush as the nurses worked on him, carrying him to the next room.  A chaos of movement with no sound as everyone seemed to hold their breath along with him.

John’s eyes found Sherlock’s with an unspoken agreement.  Sherlock would follow the baby, John would stay with Harry.  As he watched his companion dart to the adjacent room his mind raced with possibilities.  He wondered how long the baby could go without air.  He’s sure the answer had come right away to Sherlock.  He wondered how long he had been in the womb without air.  Had he been the one who wasn’t moving as much.  The monitors would have surely picked it up if heart wasn’t beating -   There was a sniffing sound by his shoulder, he looked down to see Harry, her wide eyes standing out on her pale face and tears streaming unchecked down her red cheeks.

“I’m sorry.”

“Harry!”  John swooped down until his face was level with hers.  “Don’t be ridiculous! There is absolutely nothing to be sorry about.  God, you’re my hero!”

She didn’t look at him, her eyes focused on where Sherlock had exited.  “You already have your knight in glittering . . . overcoat.”  She smiled but it didn’t reach her eyes.  “You don’t need me to be the hero anymore.”  She offered, their voices the only thing keeping a breakdown at bay.

“What him?”  John gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, effectively taking salt tears with him.  “I just keep him around ‘cause he’s cute.”

She smirked but nodded sagely. “It’s those cheekbones.”  Her grip tightened on his hand and they both grew quiet, watching the door.  It seemed an agonizingly long time before Sherlock returned.  He jogged into the room, his smile already easing John’s heart but he needed to hear him say it.  Because if anyone could set his world right again in a moment it was Sherlock Holmes.  He could have two heroes, he decided.

“He’s breathing.  He’s fine.  They’re both fine.”

And they all took a collective breath. 
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