Jan 05, 2006 23:18
Sooo you all now what time it is! Man I should soo freaking have a tv show. haha Wouldn't you all watch it? I bet you would. Would be a nice change from all that reality tv crap.
Anyways, getting to the point, its that time again!
To start out Teruki and Kanon and Bou came out. They had a little "who wants to be a millionare" quiz show kinda thing. Teruki asked the questions to Bou and Kanon. They were all about funny/embarrassing things that had happened to the band members and then kanon or bou had to guess who it had happened to. A. Miku, B. Bou, C. Kanon, D. Teruki. Haha It was funny. The first one was "This person went to the video store and tried to rent an adult video but had forgotten his ID card. They wouldn't let him rent it and he had to call a friend to come and rent it for him." I totally laughed my ass off. I thought for SURE it was Miku...cause he just seems like he would do that. But it was Kanon. And he had to call Bou. hahah Another was "this person when he hears a dog bark, always jumps in surprise" and Bou was like "I think its Kanon" and teruki is all "Really? Kanon is always so cool, I can't see him doing that" so then Bou turns real fast and goes "WAN! WAN!" (the dog barking sound in Japanese) and OMG Kanon Jumped soo freaking high hahaha roflmao. Yeah. So bou;s like "Its definatly Kanon!" haha There was one question where all the anwser choices were "Bou" haha Oh! And they told us Teruki's full name. I'm slow and didn't know it... But is Nagata Teruki (he says it in the Duck song...but I was never sure about it cause he says it so darn fast...;-;) They then performed the "secret song" dunno what to call it. They had a tape playing of it, but you could still here them singing some of it OVER the tape. Kanon was like screaming. haha And OMG they dance sooo freaking cute! I swear I'm teaching the cosplay group at ACEN that dance and we're gonna all do it toghether. hahaha Start practicing your singing guys. haha ^-^ They were throwing all sorts of crazy ass props out too during this. Like Bou had a tennis racket and a ball and then they had toy cell phones and melon bread and they each threw out a piece of paper ( I caught Bou's ^-^ but more on that later). SO that was major fun. That song is soo cute too!
Anyways, after that they left for a bit and I pulled Rie over next to me (cause we had gotten seperated in the mad smoosh haha). I got third row this time...;-; Its so sad cause like we coulda gotten in earlier but we were running late. ;-;
So next up was a bit of a surprise. The Nyantic Cafe group? They apparently changed their name to Sex Pot. Haha Tara, Aki ... and like three other guys? I forget their names. Tara was the only one I knew (only cause Kiku-kiki made that post bout him) But man were they decked out in the Sex pot gear. Head to toe. 0.0 First up they did this heavy metal remix of Merrymaking, then an original song and then A member introduction. Same thing Miku did at the Astrohall live "na na na na na hey hey hey hey hey" then like three words and the persons name. Miku says it, audience repeats. Its cute and fun and yay! Then they all came forward and spelled out their names. haha that was funny. Lil jrock cheerleaders. haha And then they started the next song...and i'm all ohhh HELL NO. HAHAHA Yep, thats right THE YMCA. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH (I can't laugh enough) HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I gotta say Miku singing the YMCA has gotta be one of the funniest things I've ever had the pleasure of seeing. And we all did the dance together. ohh yay. hahaha None of them know the middle part. You know when they say "hey man..." And you do the lil hand thing? hmm maybe I'm the only geek that knows the full YMCA dance. ^^; Anyhow, He sung it like half in english half in japanese and that was just weird. Towards the end he starts singing the next chorus and the other guys stop playing.. and Miku's all confused. But they bring out a cake and sing happy birthday and he blows out the candles and thanks them. And says "Eh! I was really surprised...I didn't think we were doing this till later...^^;" haha his face was priceless. then they finished the song. Oh and the MC for this one, Like they sai Sex Pot isn't NYAPPY? Its too cool, so how bout SEPPY? And then miku's like "No thats not right either... " haha and no...its not.
Soo then another lil break. before An Cafe came out. *happy jump!* All of them this time. ^-^ Lets see...set list? *hard thinking...* Well it was all new stuff. Merrymaking, escapism, tekesuta, wagamama, ipatsu gakutan renai game, ducks magical adventure, one of the member intro songs? (I'm sure it has a name...I forget it though...) and lots of REALLY long MCs inbetween. Miku did his Ayumi impression again at the request of many fans. And Miku was teasing Teruki that he liked underwear and then we all chanted that teruki was "hentai" hahaha *gigle snort* He denies it of course. ^-^ Miku teased Kanon for forgetting to get him a present. And then Kanon is all "I got you one! Its wrapped and everything! I just forgot it at home!" I dunno...that seems unlike him for some reason. But Miku was teasing everyone tonight. He said Bou got him this really expensive skin care set. *cough* woman *cough* haha Ohh and a one point they did sing Happy birthday again to Miku. And then they're like "we don't have a cake, cause they alread did it...^^;" and then miku's like "No I think Kanon Ate it." haha It seemed like a short live...but I guess it wasn't. I think it got over at like 9:30. Soo 6:30-9:30...not too bad.
They left, we all screamed for an Encore and they took forever so when they came back I yelled at Miku that he took too long and then the other fans were all like "Yeah! You guys are slow!" hahaha And Miku was all like "But...you guys are all hot right? we wanna give you a break!" And then Teruki forgot something so he had to go back and they did some more talking while waiting for him. Bou made the room go COMPLETELY silent before he would do his "Niyan Niyan" haha *dies of cuteness* Soo finally Teruki returnth and they did another Round of Merrmaking and then they were gonna do the secret song again but miku was like "But I don't sing in that! I don't wanna!" and the fans said "dance!" and he was all ready to but teruki didn't want to. Or something? I think they did Wagamama again for the closing. (a lil side note, but the dance to that song is sooo freaking hard. I soo can't get it. I always forget. Even watching the front row people I mess it up. ^^;)
Anyhow, afterwards Rie and I went to get our drinks and I ran into Ma-kun! (I know his name now YAY! haha) He was there this time with another guy.....boyfriend? haha He asked if I had seen Masato and Kira but I hadn't. He caught Teruki's toy cell phone and Miku's waterbottle too. Lucky! haha And I went and talked to Myu-chan (the an cafe staff girl I always talk to) and told her it was my last concert cause I had to go home and how sad i was etc etc. ;-; And gave her my letter to give to Bou-kun. Oh man! They were selling the An Cafe mugs today! hahaha I saw those in the Shoxx awhile back (they made them when they had the Antic Cafe in Laforet (an actual cafe that sold the drinks the members designed? and had their costumes on display etc.)) Anyhow I had sooo wanted one, cause man what a better way to wake up and drink your coffee? HAHA I'm just a big fan of random merchandise. Soo towels and mirrors and stuff. I can have an An Cafe bathroom and an cafe kichen. HAHA. Soo Rie agreed we could do Demachi tonight, since it was my last live. Soo we waited forever yo! it wasn't till like 10:20ish that they started packing stuff into their car. Tons of fans were giving miku presents at this time... Teruki saw me and did the Charlie's Angels' pose again. haha I love that guy. And OH man! Bou was driving the van! Thats gotta be the damn cutest thing I've ever seen. Soo after they drove off me and Rie are walking and we get to the main road and shes like "Isn't that Bou driving that van there?" and I'm like "Hmm...omg! Yes!" Sooo we totally walked alongside their van all the way to the station. Waving to Bou as he was driving and being crazy. Miku at one point stuck his head out the sun roof and waved at us too. ^-^ So that was fun.
Soo on the way back I busted out the paper I caught and we read it. Its like a school profile that Bou filled out. Its soo freaking cute. I can't read the kanjii he wrote for his full name, although I'm fairly certain its not his real name anyways. He also put hes a girl. haha Born 1983.9.16 22 years old, girl. Theres one part, I think its for accomplishments? He has like An cafe member and Idol Gran Pri? Like car grand prix? Hmm not too sure. I may have to ask someone about that...Takes him 2 hours to get to school and 4 people in his family. Favorite class? "Burikko" HAHA for the adress he wrote like "korin" something. Ahh yes and its got this like imprint of his nose and a bit of his chin and forhead wear he pushed it to his face and his makeup rubbed off. XD Its like the veil of Veronica yo! Bou is JESUS! (i'm def. going to hell..yup. uhuh)
But yeah...Bou is teh cuteness and is even cuter driving a car and waving. They drove with the window down too so he could see us better. ^-^
Now.... for what I did Before the live. For those that may care?
I met Rie at 2ish (she was a bit late) ran into Jaga at the station with one of her tennis club friends and had a brief chat. We went to the Fotus store and looked around, looked in Takuya angel and sex pot etc etc. I didn't get anything. I was soo tempted by this takuya angel shirt...that was on sale for 80. But no...it wouldn't look good on me anyways and I have nothing to wear it with. We got glow bracelets at the dollar store and I was showing her where Ruido was when I happened to stumble upon the ID Japan sotre... and wtf? I didn't even KNOW they had a store. haha Sooo that was cool. We speant FOREVER talking to the lady in there. Cause I REALLY wanna work for them. I was flipping through their mini cosplay catalogue and she was like "what band do you like?" and I'm like "An cafe" and shes like "Ah, of course. You look alot like Bou. Do you do Bou cosplay?" And I'm like "yes" and so we were looking at the pictures of his costumes and shes like "do you wanna get these?" and I'm like "umm...actually I make them myself." and shes like "0.0 Thats soo awesome! Which have you made?" "umm...like all of them?" haha So I showed her some pictures of my cosplay and we talked about how they were hard to make and the fabric is so expensive etc etc and she said they would definatly hire me when I came back to Japan cause they are always looking for more people. YATTA! Job for teh Shmee. Thats soo awesome really. Working for them is totally my dream job right now. I'd work for ID Japan and be on An Cafe's staff and man would that rock? oh man...that would sooo rock. haha So that was really fun and cool. She gave us these free lil booklets that are like a mini catalogue of the costumes. The actual catalogue is 500 yen to buy. Dunno what its got in it...I totally wanna see. haha. I wonder if it would show good pictures of the costumes from multiple angles...that would be nice to have for the wagamama or the oduro one too. Although for that I think I'm okay...Anyhow, we got some snacks and went to shibuya and took purikura before going to the live. *happy dance* very fun and very cool.
Oh man and my letter to Bou was sooo pimping. I didn't have any envolopes...okay, just boring normal ones. So I got this cocoa box and cut it so I had two pieces. Then I took some kimono fabric I had and cut it to go over those and sewed them together to make a lil envolope. Then I added lace to one edge and cut bou's name out oragmi paper and glued it to the front. It was sooo freaking cute. haha I'm so mad I didn't take a picture.
Anyhow, I got a mail from my dad that said they sent me 125 yesterday and I'll get another 125 friday. Sooo... that means I have more monies now! I wanna go get my nails done tomorrow but I dunno if I'll have time. I gotta clean my apartment since everyone is coming over at 5 for my goodbye party. ;-; I can't beleive I'm really leaving so soon...this is home...seriously. Its going to be terribly weird to be back in the US. I'm gonna miss everyone soo much. ;-; Ah and you know this live was soo freaking awesome cause I had Rie. We like held hands and danced together and the whole way back were giggling and being fangirly and dancing...okay, when we weren't waving at Bou and yelling "SUPA CAR!" haha (how many of you get that? Have you seen that interview?) Soo yeah. awesome day. Very fun and not at all disappointing for my last live. ^-^ Although its still a bit depressing. ;-; I'll pull through with the flicker of hope that I will get to see them again someday. *prays to the jrock gods*
Now you've got enough to read ne? I hope they order pizz-la tomorrow. ^^; Teriyaki chicken please! haha
Soo! This has been another episode of Shmee's LJ-Live Reports! Tune in next time when we'll be discussing Kazoku, Gilgamesh, Ruie, Karen, Gossip and Serial Number! Same Shmee time, same shmee channel! And remember to eat your cupcakes! ^-^ Rabu rabu