Jan 03, 2006 04:57
Okay...soo went out to Daikonyama to look for the dress I wanted, but like they were having this 30% off sale...and my dress had been on the sale. They had it in red, and I asked if they had it in black and they're all like "no, we don't have that anymore, but you could order it online" mind you i don't wanna do that...^^; Soo meh. I'll live. I think its for the best really, cause now I can use that money towards getting my hair dyed again ^-^. Which I shall do tomorrow...but I ended up spending 100 in Lisa Liz cause they were having a Huge sale...and I wanted lots of floofy pretty soft and shiny pink things...^^; I have a weak spot for those sorts. Anyhow its adorable. I would show you pictures, but the woman that has taken over my apartment is still here...even though she SHOULD be gone. *angsty ness* Hopefully she'll leave soon. ;-; I hate having to spend all my time upstairs where the christian kid bugs me and lectures me. And hums christiany songs...*cringe* I swear hes like...as obssessed with god as I am with Bou... or something? And we all know which is better. hahah I'm soo going to hell for that.
Anyways, Jaga and Chon ... i think they were bored. We went to a few stores they wanted to go to and ate at TGI Friday's. And took a few puri. The usual. And now we're having trouble finding a time when everyone can get together for my goodbye party. Like they wanted to do it the 7th. But I'm going snowboarding then, so we changed it to the 6th. But then Rie is all "oh thats the vidoll event! I want us to go together!" Sooo... that was a major *sweatdrop* haha. Soo we're having it the 6th in the morning/afternoon so Rie and I can go to the event. And she wants to come to the Kazoku event too? hmm...kay. So heres an updated schedule for you all.
tomorrow - go to harajuku and get my hair done (hopefully), get the fotus shirt I want while everything is 50% off
5th - Hang out with Rie and go to Miku's Birthday live/event together. ^-^
6th - goodbye party and Vidoll event
7th - snowboarding with Yu-kun
8th - Kazoku live
9th - Kazoku event
10th - pack, fly home at 5 pm
You can't say you don't give me major mad props for making the most of my last week. haha I'll be running all over the 10th shipping stuff and buying gifts, cancelling my cell phone. haha Its gonna be crazy. ^^;
Oh and another thing I am soo dragging my ass to the gym. I need someone to be like "you, you chubby, go now" and yell at me...XD Theres a tiny part of me that looks forward to being on the plane with miranda panda. ^^; But most of me is just screaming that an cafe is going to be taken away from me. And the shopping...the fabric stores...the concerts, events, friends, the fun and the all around kind atmosphere. god america sucks so hard core. Not even funny. And I need to get a new cell. Cause the one in the US I had ... sucked. It didn't even HAVE a camera. And I don't think I could do text messaging...or something. hmmm...Sooo I hope i can get my hair done tomorrow. I don't wanna go to a random place...cause I don't like that... but the place I usually go to is expensive. Hmm...decisions, decisions. Well...I have enough money to get it done, so I guess I might as well. Sooo yes'm that.
love love love love love.