So, people are quite aware of my dislike of these things, but I have to admit that one of the main things I think has come from them that are of a positive nature is all the amazing artwork that is produced to market them, the fan art, etc. etc.
Lots and lots of really neat fantasy esque arts.
Though it IS a bit sad that nowadays, it seems that lower-end companies rely too much on creating a flashy package/advertisement and relying on it to sell or promote their game. Apparently, lots of people love Guild Wars, but I've never been impressed by it or it's gameplay; just the fact that it's free and it has hot women on it's packaging for the most part.
Well, yesterday while reading comics, I saw an ad of a character in a game called "Rappelz", and I thought "WOW.. that really reminds me of Keely's Banewarrens character." so I checked it out just to find more artwork.
And what I ended up finding instead was a plethora of free MMORPGs that kinda' function the way that Maple Story works. Free game, can play nonstop, level up relentlessly, and there's an item shop to buy stuff from. They need to make the game fun, and functionally beautiful to keep people attracted so they can keep selling items in their shop.
As it stands, I think there are only 3 or 4 playable races in Rappelz, and they are all humanoid; but they look amazingly beautiful. Much more appealing to me than the models that I've seen in Warcraft. Granted, Warcraft is technically better in terms of amazing graphical blahness, but this game has a blahness of it's own in that it reminds me of what would happen if Final Fantasy Online and WoW had a baby.. and the baby grew up and said, "... Mom, Dad, you two have the pay per month thing down solid, I can't make money that way.. So. I'm going to take a different approach."
Anywho.. Rappelz seems to be a pretty hardcore ripoff of WoW, but it's free.. and it's not like Blizzard didn't just kinda' rip off Warhammer.. (from what I've heard from numerous sources of numerous people. I haven't really cared enough to care to look into it :P)
A few people have requested linkage though, so.. here are some of those link things.
Here's a pretty good basic review of the game. I think it's got some pretty neat facets to what it offers for a free game and such. Not as much variety as big-buck companies, but hey.. again. Free game :P Rappelz Main Site The story overview The Playable Races so Far Random in game shots Videos:
It's kinda' like.. not bad.. music wise; though, it's a little too rock-opera-ish A video showcasing the evil intro; I believe. Random Gameplay video Anywho.. yeah. I'd give this particular game a shot. *shrug* Worktiem nao