NOTE: This is the unbeta'd, original, version of this fic. There's no real reason to leave it up except to remind me where I started at.
My first fanfic. NCIS - which of course I do not own - based with some Tim/Tony shippage. Probably about a PG-13. I'm new to livejournal too, not sure how to handle links and stuff so you'll have to bear with me.
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Secondly, I think you've got a lot of potential here. You seem to have a really strong sense of who the characters are to you, and that's really important. I liked the sense of urgency and fear that came through really strongly. Good job.
There are some issues here and there with basic grammar/punctuation stuff, nothing unusual for people starting out. We all do it. I always suggest finding a beta to work with because some times after you've read your own fic through a million times it starts to lose all meaning and simple errors can slip past. I know it can be daunting asking for help when you're new, but beta requests have been put up before at kissmeprobie so you wouldn't be the first. I tend not to beta on a regular basis because of time issues, but if you'd like me to go through this fic for you to iron out the kinks, I'd be pleased to, especially given my role in its production. :D
Congratulations on your first fic! May it be the first of many.
I agree with the need for a beta, I'm terrible at proofreading my own stuff - my brain knows what it's meant to say so I read that whether that's not written or not. I'm not really sure how this beta stuff works but think I will post a request to see if anyone will help out. If you do have a bit of spare time on your hands kink ironing help would be greatly appreciated!
Everyone has similar proof-reading issues, don't let them fool you! Once you've had a lot of practise you can generally spot most things, but a beta, or a least someone to give it a readthrough is invaluable, especially when you're starting out.
I'm happy to have a look at the fic for you. I'm copying and pasting into a Word document (Word for Mac). Can you read tracked changes or would you prefer I highlight changes in the document in a different colour? Can I e-mail the result to your address or is there a better one? (Questions, questions!)
I notice that you have more fic up, which yay, you! I didn't see any announcements on kissmeprobie, did I? I certainly haven't made you an author tag, so that suggests no. Unless you do post a notice to the comm (or any other NCIS fic comm), people who aren't on your friends list (those who have friended you/mutual friends) won't know it exists, which a) is a shame and b) sort of defeats the point of putting it out there if no one will stumble across it! You can scroll ( ... )
I've not posted on kissmeprobie, mainly because I'm so aware of how rough these are. I've posted a beta request though so hopefully I'll be a bit happier about them soon. And then posting shall commence!
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