*3; action/phone

Nov 12, 2011 15:26


[Hello, didn't you miss this voice, Mayfield?]

Good morning. I am sure someone can tell me where in the elementary school there are detention rooms, yes? So far, I have not been able to spot any such facilities on the school grounds.

[Guess who hasn't noticed that he was droned for quite a while and simply thinks that it is the next morning today?]

Knowing these and putting them to good use seem to be a part of my job.

[Hastings 842 - locked to a1a100, windplay and motherofjegus]

[When John Sollux and Dolorosa wake up this morning, something has changed. The father drone is standing in the kitchen and cooking.

This should be the first clear sign that he isn't a drone anymore. The second would be that he is now, despite the temperature, wearing a scarf, and the third that he is humming Russian folk-songs while working. When he notices someone entering the kitchen, he'll turn around and look at them.]

Good morning!

#action, #phone, *game: mayfield, !ic

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