[Hello. Today, Russia will knock at your door. He is trying to find a few people - because while he knows where Estonia, Ukraine and Finland live and is aware of the fact that Belarus is not present, two people clearly lack on his list. So he will not only visit the aforementioned three, but also everyone else in this little town.
And if the door is opened for him, he will always ask the same:]
Good afternoon. I need to talk to Lithuania and Latvia.
[He will also visit Estonia, Ukraine and Finland.]
[The janitor of the elementary school is painting the supporting pillar of the jungle gym after a
certain little girl damaged the surface. He's singing in a low voice while working, a cheerful-sounding melody which only stays cheerful if you don't understand the words. They are just a bit too bloody to belong into a playground.]
[And this would be Russia trying to drive a car. Because, you see, his drone wife asked him to drive her to the store really quickly because ...due to some domestic happenings, the meat and milk and everything else had gone bad and they need to eat dinner, right?
They don't get very far. Almost into a house at the other side of the street (Hastings Boulevard 843).
Well, this did not go as planned. The car was not very fast and thus nobody in the car got hurt, but the lawn of both houses could ....definitely use a gardener right now. And the front of the house and car are a bit dented, too. Maybe some driving lessons are in order.
For the moment, Russia is sitting behind the steering wheel, then leaning down to look at the things that his drone wife said that he had to put his foot on. This was... a lot faster than he expected. Next to him, his drone wife is trying to deal with the fact that their trip to the store was indeed very short. She will jump out of the car to apologize to the drone family in the house any moment.]